The True North Mission

The goal of True North Consulting Forestry is to educate landowners about quality forest management through using the latest technology in forest software and equipment. True North Consulting Forestry practices the best in forest management.  The proper management of a forest will improve air, water, and wildlife habitat which can be achieved by meeting the goals and objectives of each individual client.

Michigan’s Qualified Forest Program [QFP]

The purpose of the Qualified Forest Program (QFP) is to encourage landowners to actively manage their privately owned forests for commercial harvest, wildlife habitat enhancement, and improvement of other non-forest resources. In exchange for managing their forests in a sustainable manner, the landowner will receive an individual tax savings.

How does your Land Qualify for QFP?​

  • Parcels must be a minimum of 20 acres or larger.

  • Parcels from 20-39 acres must be at least 80% stocked with forest capable of producing wood products.

  • Parcels 40-640 acres must be at least 50% stocked with forest capable of producing wood products.

  • A forest management plan is required for parcels being enrolled.

Benefits of the QFP

There are two potential tax benefits to enrolled landowners:

1. A Maximum of an 18-mill reduction of school operating taxes on a non-homestead property under the Qualified Forest School Tax Affidavit.

2. The “uncapping” of a property’s taxable value is prevented under the Taxable Value Affidavit when a parcel currently enrolled under the qualified forest program changes ownership.

Qualified Forest Brochure

Must be enrolled by September 1st